A Novel Ultra High Speed and Configurable Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform Architecture
This work is dedicated to present a new pipeline-parallel architecture of Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform (DWPT) for all wavelet family implemented in FPGA technology. The main target of our architecture is to provide an effective performance trade-off, where it significantly increases the throughput with a restricted amount of hardware. In this article, we propose two kinds of configurable architecture: first architecture with a very strict amount of hardware base of pipeline and sharing resource, and the second architecture provide an ultra-high speed by propose P-parallel DWPT and a parallel direct FIR filter under the strategy of pipeline-parallel and sharing resource. The pipeline and the clever sharing of the hardware resources are smartly connect based on low-pass and high-pass filters in the Mallat-tree algorithm. These architectures are fully configurable in synthesis according to parallel degree, the tree depth (number of tree levels), the order of the filters and the filter quantization coefficient. Consequently, the simulation results accelerated to an approximate value of P*(Frequency). Furthermore, the tree depth and filters order has little impact (only due to place and route variations) on throughput. This architecture was synthesized using Altera Quartus prime lite edition targeting an Altera Cyclone IV – (FPGA) and it was developed in VHDL at RTL level modeling.