Does the environmental history of mussels have an effect on the physiological response to additional stress under experimental conditions?
Expected effects on marine biota of the ongoing elevation of water temperature and high latitudes is of major concern when considering the reliability of coastal ecosystem production. To compare the capacity of coastal organisms to cope with a temperature increase depending on their environmental history, responses of adult blue mussels (Mytilus spp.) taken from two sites differentially exposed to chemical pollution were investigated during an experimental exposure to a thermal stress. Immune parameters were notably altered by extreme warming and transcriptional changes for a broad selection of genes were associated to the temperature increase following a two-step response pattern. Site-specific responses suggested an influence of environmental history and support the possibility of a genetic basis in the physiological response. However no meaningful difference was detected between the response of hybrids and M galloprovincialis. This study brings new information about the capacity of mussels to cope with the ongoing elevation of water temperature in these coastal ecosystems.
Environmental history, Mussel, Thermal stress, Transcriptomic response, Trade off, Genotype
Environmental history, Mussel, Thermal stress, Transcriptomic response, Trade off, Genotype
Environmental history, Mussel, Thermal stress, Transcriptomic response, Trade off, Genotype
Environmental history, Mussel, Thermal stress, Transcriptomic response, Trade off, Genotype
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