IMGEO : Interactive image processing software for geological and geophysical data
IMGEO is an image processing application for geological and geophysical data. It uses the X-Window graphics system and is written in the standard ANSI C language. IMGEO presents various facilities including editing, drawing and manipulation of images, numerical filtering methods (FFT, convolution) as well as statistical methods (such as PCA). The editing module includes a complete set of tools allowing: copying, cutting and pasting partial or complete images; inserting text, drawing of several geometric objects, visualization of the cross-section along an image, management of color palettes. These tools are completely interactive. Various methods have been developed to provide numerical filtering as well as mathematical and morphological analysis. The filtering methods developed in IMGEO include: spectral analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and a classical convolution procedure using external masks chosen interactively by the user. Statistical and geostatistical procedures such as the histogram and variogram are also available. Basic operations on binary maps are provided (contouring, dilatation, erosion, ...) Interpolation methods such as kriging and spline functions are also implemented to convert an irregular sampling into a regular grid. IMGEO accepts as input and writes as output many of the must common image formats: RAW, TIFF, GIF, numerical ASCII. Image compression and restitution can be performed by using PCA. This software can be used to : compress complex images for storage or retrieval purposes in a data bank; process numerical images acquired in remote sensing; process irregular geophysical and geochemical data. Triangular diagrams can be directly mapped using an appropriate coding of the basic RGB colors. The map obtained using this method displays the variations of three related parameters on the same document. A geochemical case study related to the mapping of the leucogranitic Vendée area (France) will be discussed in this paper.