Conference Papers Year : 1995

Data Processing for the Environment Analysis : a multiscale Approach

Claude Bardinet
  • Function : Author
J. E. Dubois
  • Function : Author
Jean Pierre Caliste
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 941337
Jean-Claude Oppeneau
  • Function : Author


The general methodology presented here concerns environmental studies using: I) InterNet, 2) multi-issue data and infonnation transfer, 3) new tools in data access for science and technology. Today the traditional way of accessing information is changing due to technological innovations in information systems. Most retrieval systems of the past decade, including general purpose data bases, textual information systems and image data bases, were built around centralized computer centers connected to the telecommunication network. Developing and maintaining such systems was hard work that required a full time staff of several people. The InterNet revolution has helped to change the centralized concept of information into a dispersed view of data, leading to a much democratic system interconnecting several work stations throughout the world. Data retrieval can be split among several sub-groups working in different places. In the environmental sciences, several services are provided on the InterNet. Environmental research is not really well covered by the WWW, and it seems that the scientific and technical community is not truly concerned with the question of keywords for accessing all the data bases containing environmental information. [...]
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hal-04027065 , version 1 (13-03-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04027065 , version 1


Claude Bardinet, J. E. Dubois, Jean Pierre Caliste, Jean-Jacques Royer, Jean-Claude Oppeneau. Data Processing for the Environment Analysis : a multiscale Approach. 9th International Symposium on Computer Sciences for Environment Protection, 1995, Marburg, Germany. pp.38-46. ⟨hal-04027065⟩
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