ODSIM: An Object-Distance Simulation Method for Conditioning Complex Natural Structures
Stochastic simulation of categorical objects is traditionally achieved either with object-based or pixel-based methods. Whereas object-based modeling provides realistic results but raises data conditioning problems, pixel-based modeling provides exact data conditioning but may lose some features of the simulated objects such as connectivity. We suggest a hybrid dual-scale approach to combine both shape realism and strict data conditioning. The procedure combines the distance transform to a skeleton object representing coarse-scale structures, plus a classical pixel-based random field and threshold representing fine-scale features. This object-distance simulation method (ODSIM) uses a perturbed distance to objects and is particularly appropriate for modeling structures related to faults or fractures such as karsts, late dolomitized rocks, and mineralized veins. We demonstrate this method to simulate dolomite geometry and discuss strategies to apply this method more generally to simulate binary shapes.