Reports (Research Report) Year : 2022

Specifications for Open Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities


Starting from global Open Manufacturing Demonstrator (OMD) concept to the four INEDIT Open Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities (OMDFs), this report goes back over the scientific concepts underlying the demonstrator in order to establish the modalities of a transition to action around the DIT approach, both at the technical level and at the level of the sector (manufacturing and use network). This document, which is the result of several iterations, consists of 3 parts: The first part presents the motivations for deploying an industrial demonstrator that integrates both the technologies and the manufacturing network •§ 2- Role of the demonstration in the DIT deployment •§ 3- Methodology for defining the Open manufacturing Demonstrator The second part focuses on the definition of the Open Manufacturing Demonstrator (OMD), i.e. the ideal state expected for demonstrating the DIT approach and its modelling: •§ 4- Definition of the external properties of the INEDIT Open Manufacturing Demonstrator •§ 5- Modelling the Open Manufacturing Demonstrator Then, the third part describes the specifications of each demonstrator based on the modelling: •§ 6- Specifications for Open Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities (OMDF)
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hal-04257027 , version 1 (21-12-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04257027 , version 1


Laurent Dupont, Fedoua Kasmi, Brunelle Marche, Frédérique Mayer. Specifications for Open Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities. INEDIT Project - Deliverable 4.2, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme; Université de Lorraine. 2022, pp.111. ⟨hal-04257027⟩
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