Towards 3D reconstruction of dislocation networks observed by ECCI
Since its development in the late 1950’s, transmission electron microscopy TEM was the most used technique that allowed experimental evidences and studies of the dislocation role in deformation mechanisms [1,2].
Recently, a greater step in dislocation-scale characterisation techniques has been achieved: the accurate Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging (A-ECCI) [3]. A-ECCI is a non-destructive procedure that provides inside a SEM, TEM-like diffraction contrast imaging of defects in bulk specimens with unsurpassed resolutions so far [4].
Yet, most of the dislocation imaging techniques are based on 2D observations. A 3D observation could provide much more information about dislocation networks, their spatial interaction with different interfaces etc... In this frame work, we set the basis for performing 3D reconstructions of dislocation networks after observation and characterisation by ECCI. In a first part of this work, technological challenges like dislocation contrast comprehension and experimental methods will be presented. Then in a second part, ECCI as well as first 3D observation results will be discussed.
Key words:
SEM, Bulk materials, Dislocation, A-ECCI, 3D reconstruction
[1] J. W. Edington. Interpretation of Transmission Electron Micrographs. London, 1976
[2] T. C. Lee, I. M. Robertson, H. K. Birnbaum, Acta Metallurgica and Materialia, 40, 2569-2579, 1992,
[3] H. Kriaa, A Guitton, N. Maloufi, Scientific reports 7, 2017
[4] H. Mansour, M. A. Crimp, N. Gey, N. Maloufi, Scripta Materialia, 76-79, 2015